sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2012

Beethoven - Fidelio

Una disculpa con esta grabaciòn, muchos tracks vienen con varios minutos en blanco, no me habia percatado de ese detalle, asi me pasaron los cd, tratare de editarlo cortando los tiempos sin musica, jeje espero me queden bien ya que no soy muy bueno en esos menesteres, les pido paciencia o si pueden editarlos ustedes mismos mejor, jeje. Saludos

Angela Denoke
Jon Villars
Alan Held
Ion Tibrea
Thomas Quasthoff

Conductor - Simon Rattle


1 comentario:

  1. is it my downloader, that ends up with funny long tracks in this Fidelio? some recitatives are just shorter than a minute, however the tracks play for several long minutes empty. and, this is the - timewise - longest fidelio i've ever encountered. usually rounds up between 2 to 2:30 hours, this is like 4 hrs.

    thanks anyway, this blog is brilliant. very helpful.

    have a happy 2012, filled with music and joy
